Thais Alves. Massage Therapist, Jiu Jits practitioner.

"I started Jiu Jitsu because the only way for me to exercise was when someone was trying to choke me out! When I allowed Jiu Jitsu into my life I realized that it's more than exercise for the body, its an exercise of Discipline, humbleness, ego, freedom and patience. Now I can't stop!"

All photography in the People Who Train series is by photographer Mik Milman. See more of his work here.

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I'm Continually Amazed at How Much Brazilian Jiujitsu Continues To Do For Me

Raf and Kevin. The guys from Verbal Tapcast, Jiu Jitsu practitioners.

Raf and Kevin. The guys from Verbal Tapcast, Jiu Jitsu practitioners.