I'm Continually Amazed at How Much Brazilian Jiujitsu Continues To Do For Me

I'm continually amazed at how much Brazilian Jiujitsu has done for me and continues to do for me.

I rushed to the gym today in between work obligations because I knew I always leave feeling less stressed, less worried and less agitated. The Election and uncertainty of the future was weighing heavily on me.

In a bit of poetic irony I was paired with someone who ,on the surface, is in most cases my polar opposite. (A baby boomer, A libertarian, a Trump supporter etc.)

He was agitated and antsy too. He was itching to talk about the election something I felt I desperately needed a break from thinking about. He too had woken up multiple times a night to check his phone. He too was worried about the future.

We practiced choking each other for awhile. He, though much smaller and older than me carried my weight easily while we practiced crushing the life out of each other. He was patient and a great training partner.

Returning to the locker room he wanted to talk politics more. But after building up a good sweat and feeling my post BJJ buzz I felt more equipped. We talked a lot about things we agreed on. We followed each other out to our cars and we stood there, me leaning against my Prius and he leaning against his truck talking to each other.

Brazilian Jiujitsu has an uncanny ability to (literally) smash people together of radically different backgrounds, world views and life experiences. Brazilian Jiujitsu helped me calm my nerves and allowed me the opportunity to spend some time talking with a Trump supporter and making me feel a little more optimistic and less worried about the future.

Thanks BJJ.

Thais Alves. Massage Therapist, Jiu Jits practitioner.