How to Get to Black Belt
By Tom Seller
OK. We have all heard the old adage that a black belt is a white belt that never quit. No shit. But how do you actually keep yourself from quitting? The answer is far more simple than most imagine and that is that a practitioner reaches black belt simply by having fun. That's it. In however many years it took them to get there, Jiu Jitsu never stopped being fun for them.
Anyone can do something for a few months or even a few years by pure dedication. But if you're not having fun sooner or later you will quit. I think this is why so many people stop at blue belt. They reached that big initial goal and either stopped having fun or wasn't having fun in the first place.
So go out and have fun. Goals are great, but so long as you are having fun getting that black belt won't be a question of "if" but rather a question of "when."
Happy training everyone.