Mariano Arambarri. Biologist, CrossFit trainer, head coach at Legión CF CrossFit Cuernavaca, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

Mariano Arambarri. Biologist, CrossFit trainer, head coach at Legión CF CrossFit Cuernavaca, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

"Llegué al Jiujitsu por el hecho de haber visto UFC1 y UFC2 cuando tenía 9 años. Fue hasta el 2006 que encontré una Academia donde comencé a entrenar. Desde ese día supe que no lo dejaría por nada. Más adelante hizo que me volviera a encontrar con dos grandes amigos que tenía desde la infancia, entre otras tantas satisfacciones que me ha dado. Actualmente soy instructor y cinta café".

"I came across Jiujitsu by seeing UFC1 and UFC2 when I was 9 years old. It was until 2006 that I found an Academy, where I started training. I knew from that day that I would never leave it. After some time BJJ brought me back to two friend I had since childhood, among other great satisfactions it has given me. Nowadays I’m an instructor and brown belt".

All photography in the People Who Train series is by photographer Mik Milman. See more of his work here.

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Alonso Miguel Rivero Sotelo. Musician, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

Alonso Miguel Rivero Sotelo. Musician, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

Bonnie Patel. Dance instructor, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.

Bonnie Patel. Dance instructor, Jiu Jitsu practitioner.