Top Five Benefits to Relaxing When Training.

Top Five Benefits to Relaxing When Training.

Top Five Benefits to Relaxing When Training.

By Mik Milman

Learning to relax is absolutely pivotal to your success in jiu jitsu. I know, easier said than done, especially for the beginner; but figure it out and you’ll likely see more benefits than you had thought. Here are the top five benefits to relaxing during training.

  1. Mental clarity. The state of your body and mind are cyclical. Relax the mind and your body follows. Similarly, if you relax your body your mind feels more at ease. Want some evidence? Next time you feel agitated or anxious take a moment to begin breathing deeply. Be conscious of every breath. Before you know it you will feel more at ease. Mental clarity leads to making better decisions. Remember, jiu jitsu is a game of chess.

  2. Your movement will improve. Rather than moving all janky like, when you are relaxed your body will have a much easier time of flowing. Instead of feeling tense all around, you will have a much easier time of only using the muscles required to perform the movements your body demands. This leads into the next reason to relax..

  3. Cardio. good cardio is as much about energy conservation as it is about the condition of your cardiovascular system. Being tense takes a lot of energy both mental and physical. Learn to relax and you will become more more economical in how you spend your energy.

  4. You’ll feel heavier. The more you relax the better you’ll be able to drop your weight. having a lot of internal tension actually makes you feel lighter. Learn to relax and let your weight sink into your opponent.

  5. Lastly, you’ll feel a hell of a lot better after training. The daily grind is rough and training is a great way to have a that mental break you need.

Julie Venegas

Julie Venegas

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