Five More Things to do When You've Hit a Plateau

Five More Things to do When You've Hit a Plateau

Five More Things to do When You've Hit a Plateu

By Mik Milman


  1. Change your game. Personally I believe in finding your own approach to jiu jitsu, but that doesn’t mean you can't find inspiration from other practitioners. Next time things feel a bit stale change things up a bit and try emulating someone else’s jiu jitsu game. Doing so will keep things fresh and even offer you some new perspective on Jiu Jitsu. When you’re ready you can go back to playing your A game.

  2. Ask yourself: Am I having fun? If the answer is no, it's time to reassess how or why you train. If you’re not having fun  training you won't get better. What needs to change in order to have fun again?

  3. Make a game of your training. For example: try rolling with the toughest people at your gym and see how many times you tap. Each time you train try to roll with the same people and see if you can improve on your number.

  4. Use lower belts to drill. One great way to get better at specific things is through drilling, but there's no reason you can't get the benefit of drilling from a live roll. If, for example, you’re working on your passing, each time you pass allow your opponent to recover their guard and repeat.

  5. Roll with people that are better than you. Sometime’s you just need to take the hit to your ego and train with the people that beat you. It can be difficult to get better when you only train with people you can beat.


Salem Allsuwaidi

Salem Allsuwaidi

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