Ask a Black Belt (from a friend):

Ask a Black Belt (from a friend):

Ask a Black Belt (from a friend):

“You once said Jiu Jitsu is your meditation. What did you mean by that?”

Answered by Mik Milman

There are so many reasons I train, I could fill an entire article with them. But there is an underlying reason that is present beneath it all:

Jiu Jitsu is my meditation.

Having mind-body connectivity is often described as being “in the zone,” but what does it mean?

It is all about being completely in the moment, connected to what you are doing. It is when the mind reaches a state in which thought and action are no longer separate and seem to be functioning in simultaneous unison.  You are no longer thinking about your bad day, or which technique to use at a conscious level. You just do it and things seem to be happening all on their own. That is what being zoned in is all about. But zoning in can often be mistaken for zoning out. What’s the difference?  They’re actually complete opposites.

Zoning out is when you are thinking about what feels like everything but what is at hand. Often this can be about negative things that have happened in your day but just as often it is when you are letting your ego get in the way of your roll. When you are zoned in, you are able to separate yourself from the “I,” and just be. But saying it is easier than actually doing it. For those of you who have trouble with it, imagine yourself more as an observer than a participant in your roll. Detach yourself from what’s happening and you will begin to think more clearly.

If, when you are on the bad end of a specific position, any of the following go through your mind, you are allowing your ego to get in the way of being in the zone:

“Shit, I shouldn't be in this position.”

“I can’t believe I let him sweep me!”

“I can do better than this!”

All of these negative thoughts tied to ego get in the way of what you should be thinking. For example:

“I need to recover my base and posture.”

“I need to protect my neck.”

“I need to get to my side.”

By zoning in you will not only find yourself doing better in your rolls, but you will find it spiritually refreshing. Life is rough and we could all use a break from the whirlwind of thoughts associated with it. Jiu Jitsu is mine.

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